Equipment, stores and personal items need to be stored securely, accessible and known to all and in a way to ensure the vessels remains stable.
All safety equipment carried on board must be in good condition and meet appropriate standards or specifications, maintained or serviced according to manufacturer’s specifications, replaced before the expiry date listed by manufacturer (if applicable) and always stored in an easily accessible location.
What safety equipment you need may differ depending on your vessel and/or boating location so complete a pre-departure checklist to ensure you have what you need.
All safety equipment carried on board must be in good condition and meet appropriate standards or specifications, maintained or serviced according to manufacturer’s specifications, replaced before the expiry date listed by manufacturer (if applicable) and always stored in an easily accessible location. What safety equipment you need may differ depending on your vessel and/or boating location so complete a pre-departure checklist to ensure you have what you need.
At least one solidly constructed bucket of metal, robust canvas or plastic must be carried with lanyard attached. It is useful as a safety item for both bailing water out and fighting fires. The bucket can also be used as a sea anchor.
Choose the right size and type of anchor for the size of your vessel and the nature of the sea bed. For example, an anchor designed for rocky bottoms may not hold in sand or mud.
Bilge Pump
Vessels with covered bilges are required to be fitted with a bilge pump or pumps capable of draining each compartment of the vessel. They may be manual or powered and must be protected by a strainer to prevent choking of the pump suction.
Compass & Chart
Any boat being operated on open (offshore) waters is required to have a compass. Even if your boat is fitted with satellite navigation equipment, a good marine compass will indicate the course back to shore if the electronic equipment fails or rain, fog or sea haze obliterates the land from view.
An appropriate chart or map that identifies significant features for navigation such as shallows, reefs, hazards and channels is also required on all vessels offshore. Charts and maps help to determine your position, which can be of particular importance in an emergency.
Flares signal that you are in trouble and provide an exact location for searching aircraft or vessels. Ignite them only when rescuers are in view and can spot your flare.
A minimum of two red hand flares (for night or day use) and two orange smoke flares (for day use) are required to be carried on all vessels operating in open (ocean) waters, although some exemptions may apply.
You should be able to locate and ignite the correct flare in total darkness. Most flares have a use-by date of three years and they must be replaced before the expiry date. Penalties apply. It is an offence to set off flares, except in an emergency.
An Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) suitable for marine use must transmit on 406 MHz and conform with all relevant standards. A 406 MHz EPIRB only complies if it conforms with Standard AS/NZS 4280.1 (It is the ‘1’ which indicates compliance).
Any 406 MHz EPIRB must be properly registered with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).
A 406 MHz EPIRB is a simple and effective alerting and locating device that is compulsory for all vessels operating more than two nautical miles from the shore. It is also recommended for all vessels operating in remote locations or areas of high risk.
The EPIRB should be accessible but stowed to avoid inadvertent activation. Do not stow the EPIRB in the bottom of a locker.
Safety Label
A Safety Label must be displayed clearly on all recreational powered vessels (except PWC) regardless of whether the vessel is fitted with an Australian Builders Plate (ABP).
The label must be placed where it can be seen by the skipper and at each steering position on the vessel.
The label indicates the maximum number of people to be carried on a particular vessel, as well as important safety information. The capacity is determined by the ABP Standard, the manufacturer or, if not specified, by the table on the reverse of the Safety Label.
The maximum number of people in good conditions is shown. A reduction in the maximum number must be made in adverse weather conditions or when on open waters. If not, the master may be guilty of negligence.
In determining whether your vessel complies with the capacity limits shown on its safety label, note that:
Children up to one year of age are not counted. However, you still require safety equipment for them
Roads and Maritime recommends counting each child between the ages of one and 12 years as one half of an adult
Capacity of each adult is assessed at 90kg including an allowance for their personal gear.
Note: For PWC, the number of people on the vessel must not exceed the maximum number specified by the manufacturer. Safety labels are available from registries and service centres.
Fire Extinguisher
All vessels with an electric start motor, gas installation, fuel stove or battery must carry a fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers carried on board must be appropriate for the type of fuel carried on the vessel. Additional fire extinguishers may need to be carried if there are several fuel types onboard or the size of the vessel requires it.
Regular maintenance checks are recommended to ensure the charge indicator is registering in the green zone. If it is in the red zone you need to replace the extinguisher.
This one should be the most obvious choice. Select the correct lifejacket for your trip using the guidelines available earlier in this lesson.
Tool Kit
Although not part of the safety equipment requirements, every vessel should have a tool kit.
The basic items in a tool kit include a spark plug spanner and spark plugs (for petrol engines), small adjustable spanner, pliers, metal file, wire brush, hacksaw and blade, Philips head and standard screwdrivers, spare fuel line, electrical wiring, insulation tape and a can of water repellent.
Kill Switch Lanyard
Many small recreational powerboats and all personal watercraft are fitted with an automatic engine cut-off device called a kill switch, which is activated by a lanyard. The kill switch lanyard attaches to your arm, leg, clothing or lifejacket and stops the engine if you fall overboard or lose control of the steering.
It is strongly recommended to always wear the lanyard and ensure the kill switch key is engaged whenever the engine is turned on and in gear.
First Aid Kit
It makes good sense to carry a complete first aid kit aboard, appropriate to the size of the boat.
Drinking Water
Two litres of fresh drinking water per person must be carried on all vessels operating on any open (ocean) waters.
Waterproof Torch
A floating waterproof torch must be carried on all vessels at all times and be operational. A torch is a valuable safety device for signalling, for use as a navigation light on small vessels at night and when working on the engine. Spare bulbs and batteries should be carried.
Oars with rowlocks and/or paddles must be carried on most vessels under six metres in length unless a second means of propulsion is fitted. Owners of larger vessels should consider some means of auxiliary power as an effective safety device.
Sound Signal
You must have some means of providing a sound signal, such as an airhorn, whistle or bell.
V Sheet
The V sheet is a fluorescent orange-red coloured sheet (1.8 metres x 1.2 metres minimum) with a large black V printed in the middle.
V sheets are required to be carried by all vessels operating on open (ocean) waters. They can be spread over the deck of a boat or flown as a flag to indicate that you are in trouble.
Marine Radio
Different types of marine radios are available so check with the Australian Communication & Media Authority (ACMA) to ensure your radio is suitable for the intended use.
Marine radios are compulsory for all vessels operating more than two nautical miles out to sea and are recommended for anyone boating on open (ocean) waters. They provide a means of advising shore stations of your itinerary, checking boating weather and navigational warnings and making distress calls which can be picked up by other vessels in the area or by shore stations.
VHF and HF radios are popular with VHF providing a wider coverage. Marine radios are relatively inexpensive and available for general use.
A mobile phone does not replace the requirement to carry a marine radio but is an extra means of communication. Call 000 (triple zero) in any life-threatening situation.
Taking Care Of Equipment
Safety equipment is generally durable and long lasting. Keep small, storable items like flares, V sheet, EPIRB, torch and other bits and pieces in an accessible, sealed and waterproof container. Ensure items like the radio and fire extinguisher are protected from saltwater.
You must look after your lifejackets, don’t use them as cushions or fenders and keep them away from oil and fuel. Remove new lifejackets from their plastic wrapping. Ensure they are stored in an accessible, dry and well-ventilated area and let everyone on board know where they are. When you need it, make sure you have access to it.